
About Carol Steimer Bailey

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Education was important to Carol. She was a teacher, as well as a life long learner. She received her Master's degree from St. Mary's University. Diane Benson, Susan Thaemert, hubby Rand, and Carla Weigel celebrated with her.

Not only did she teach students, but she was a mentor to others in many ways. She was the first union president and faculty senate president at Eden Prairie Campus after the merger. She facilitated numerous SEED seminars (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) on both campuses. Because she was employed by the college before there actually was a building and because she was so involved in many of the committees, she knew the history of HTC better than anyone. If we remember what she said and lived, we will continue to learn from her for years to come.

In the fall of 1992 we were talking, and she asked me what we doing for Thanksgiving. I was still in the thinking stage. She invited us over, and we've been spending the holiday together ever since. This was taken the year she broke her shoulder. Shown are Tim Weigel, Carol and Rand, and Carla and Bob Weigel.


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