
About Carol Steimer Bailey

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Few Immediate Responses

Just some of the reaction to Carol's passing, as I received emails from folks around the state who worked with her in some capacity.


I send my deepest sympathy to Carol's family and to the CTL family. She was a smiling, dynamic force in the CTL with a wide range of talents. She will be missed greatly and will be remembered fondly.
- Sue Olson , Rainy River Community College

I'm sorry to hear about Carol; she was a great person. It is very difficult for me to think that she is no longer with us, you made me cry, we were about the same age and it makes me think of my mortality.
-Josephine Books, Inver Hills Community College

Thank you for sharing this with me. She will be missed.
-Tim Skaja, Anoka Technical College

I was shocked to see this e-mail. Thank you for sending it out. I did not know Carol very well but she always had such a great attitude that there was no way she wouldn't beat it. I am sorry for our loss and am sure that those of you who were closer to her will miss her tremendously.
- Kathy Froysland, Office of the Chancellor

My deepest condolences to everyone at CTL. I only met Carol a few times in the past year, and she certainly was a very wonderful teacher & leader. I knew that she was having health issues, but I did not realize how serious they were.
- Betsy Picciano, Central Lakes College

It is a loss indeed and all we can do is try to live up to the example that Carol held out to all of us in so many of the wonderful ways she lived her life and enriched us all.
- Diane Pearson, Minneapolis Community & Technical College

I am very sad. She was a supportive and lovely person, friend.
- Stewart Ross, Minnesota State University, Mankato

I’m so sorry to hear about Carol. I didn't know her well, but she was
very nice. As a friend and colleague, you will miss her much. My condolences.
- Patricia Grace, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College

You worked so closely with Carol and knew her spirit throughout the years of her valiant life, the loss is like that of someone much closer than a friend for many of you.
- Lynne Groves, South Central College

I am so sorry to hear of Carol's passing. Although I never worked closely with her, she demonstrated such positive energy at the conferences and workshops. It sure seems as though cancer is many wonderful people suffer. Yet their suffering is a reminder to me/us to live every day to your best....enjoy the rain, the cold wind on your cheeks, the beautiful blues and pinks in the skies.....I just wish it didn't take such tragedy to remind us.
- Michele Keane. Lake Superior College

Thank you for letting me know about Carol. Indeed! She was an exceptional individual. Always helpful and supportive. I try to use my memories of her to be more like her.
- Mick Erickson, Minnesota State Community & Technical College

Thank you for keeping me informed. I always liked and admired Carol and was impressed by her attitude.
- Kathy Olson, Northland College

I was so sorry to hear about Carol's passing, very sad. I met her at the search committee meeting when she was hired by CTL and was always impressed with her earthy spunk and can do attitude. There is someone who will indeed be sorely missed. I hope there will be some sort of memorial for her. One little suggestion would be an exhibit of some of her racing prints at RSP. Maybe you could get a grant from the motorsports ass'n to print a booklet of some of her prints.
- Jim Kaplan, Minnesota State University Moorhead

I am overwhelmed.
- Randall McClure, Minnesota State University, Mankato

It truly is sad and we will miss her greatly.
- Gary Langer, Office of the Chancellor

I am very sad to hear the news. I had several opportunities to interact with Carol, including arranging a discipline workshop. Given her energy, enthusiasm, dedication and hardwork, I never once suspected that she was battling cancer. Please convey my condolensces to her family and let them know how much I respected and admired her and if I now close my eyes and think of her, I still cannot believe the news.
- Rekha Ganaganur, Minneapolis Community & Technical College

It was sad for me to read your e-mail about Carol this morning. Carol and I began our teaching careers at Hennepin Technical College in 1972. It was a special time for so many new teachers starting at a brand new school. We really bonded together to help each other and to survive our new and exciting job. You are right about Carol's upbeat spirit and positive attitude. I'm sure she left that spirit with dozens of former students.
- Mike Connelly, Saint Paul College

This is such sad news. Thank you for sending this along. Carol was a wonderful person to work with, and your words captured her spirit.
- Mark Plenke, Normandale Community College

I'm writing to express my condolences at the sense of loss you all must feel at CTL, and others with whom Carol came into contact personally or professionally. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to ease your burden - or that of Carol's family.

She has contributed so much to the teaching lives of hundreds of faculty (and therefore, students) around the state. She cared so much for every event and every detail, so endeared herself to those of us who had the privilege of connecting with her. She will be remembered in many ways, for many conversations, and for her hearty laughter.
- Patty Wheeler-Andrews, Anoka-Ramsey Community College

I am remembering Carol with great respect.
- Frankie Condon, St. Cloud State University

I am so sorry to hear of Carol's passing. I found her to be an affirming, supportive colleague with such a good sense of humor. We were glad to have her join us for the social work conference here at BSU in April 2005 funded by MnSCU.
- Mary Ann Reitmeir, Bemidji State University

May she be at peace now that her journey has taken a new turn.
- David Christian, Northland Community & Technical College

I was so saddened to hear of Carol's death. We became very good friends over the past 3 years and she was just at Riverland this past spring. From what I saw, she did an excellent job in your office. I am sure you'll miss her as an excellent CTL staff but also as a friend. She certainly lived life well and left her mark as an excellent teacher in MN.
- Gene Frank, Riverland College

I was sorry to hear about Carol. She was a hard working and creative professional and a joy to work with. She will be missed by all of us.
- David Laverny-Rafter, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Thank you for including me with this sad news. I have very fond memories of Carol and working with her....she was a true professional and awesome woman.
- Marietta Saxon, Anoka Technical College


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